Subscription Crates - Investor Crate Plus
What is Investor Crate Plus
Investor Crate Plus is our premium membership which gives customers access to our wholesale trading platform. It's based on the popular 'pay to shop' department store wholesalers. The annual membership fee covers larger monthly orders (to account for the new member) causing an overstock of inventory each month which is then placed up for sale at cost.
Our premium members also have a few other perks outlined on the Investor Crate Plus page. These range from priority order fulfillment, priority shipping, fee free Fire Sale items including any additional shipping and handling charges and more.
What is the Fire Sale page?
The Fire Sale side of our website is a proprietary wholesale trading platform that encompass our entire available inventory. If you've browsed it, you'll notice we did away with predatory tiered volume pricing and fluctuating market prices seen on virtually every other bullion retailer's website.
This inventory is refreshed at the conclusion of each fulfillment cycle (around the 15th of each month) and available with no buy limits while the supply lasts.