Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack
Combo Starter Pack

Investor Crate

Combo Starter Pack

This particular offering emulates our top selling product the Gold & Silver subscription box, without the recurring billing. Despite having no contracts or weird cancelation policies this offering is only billed once at checkout. This also makes for an awesome gift. This box comes with Gold & Silver in the form of coins, bars and rounds.

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What comes in it?

Based on the price you selected and fair market value premiums around the 1st, our team curates this particular offering with gold and silver from around the world. The weight you receive is based on the aforementioned variables and any bit of remaining dollar (if applicable) is made up in fractional silver rounds (1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz et cetera).

Approximate value in Gold per dollar with us.*


Approximate value in Gold per dollar Competitor.*

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Unbeatable Service

There is a lot of funny business in the precious metals industry. This is why, when we founded Investor Crate in 2017, we knew we had a real shot at a succesful start up. There were far to many aspects to save clients money and services and methods to improve upon.

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Dollar Cost Average

Investing is a long term endeavor. Why not average the cost over the years?

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A whopping 89% customer retention that stay with us over 1 year. That's a real stat, too.

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Physical Hard Asset

Gold & Silver is quite the unique investment. Remember, if you can't hold it, you don't own it.



You also get exclusive, member-only access to our add-ons page, to add more loot to your box.

The Most Trusted Name in Precious Metals.

In the last 8 years, we have sent over 500,000 troy ounces of Gold & Silver to over 100,000 subscribers even being casted for a start-up, entrepreneur TV show, The Blox. While we credit our subscribers and their feedback with the companies success in quickly becoming the most trusted name in the industry for dollar cost averaging your investment.

Learn more

Monthly Deliveries

Dollar Cost Average instead of timing the market.

Our Customers

Read actual customer testimony about our team and the service they've provided over the years.

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About Investor Crate

Investor Crate is a veteran-owned and operated business based in the United States and founded in 2017. As a team we share a love of investing, precious metals, country, family and god. Integrity and transparency is of utmost importance and we pride ourselves on being fluid, adjusting focus and staying in touch with our clients and their feedback. By doing so, we together have innovated upon the industry we all share love for. Keep on stacking!

Get Started Today

We don't want future you kickin' yourself for not starting '2-3 years ago.' We have all been there. Let's get you signed up and building a pile of Gold, so future you is happy.

Get Started
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Claim is based on the comparison of the list price of a 5 gram Argor-Heraeus Gold Bar on 2/7/2024, between our website and the top retailer by sales. No sales or promotional were on-going at the time on either site and price was based on standard one quantity purchase using a credit card.*